2015 Reviews

Spy (2015)

Melissa McCarthy is back again, but this time she plays a spy.  Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) spends her days working for the CIA behind a computer screen, talking to spy Bradley Fine (Jude Law) through a mike in his ear.  After some unforeseen events, Susan is sent out into the field for the first time in order to complete the mission.  I found Spy to be Paul Feig’s best film so far.  The movie is a comedic version of a traditional spy film.  Melissa McCarthy is good as Susan Cooper and has a persona similar to her character in Mike & Molly.  However, there is a seemingly unnecessary twenty-some minutes where Melissa McCarthy channels her over-the-top, foul-mouthed character from Paul Feig’s film The Heat.  A character best suited to remain in that movie.

The best element of Spy is Jason Statham’s performance.  He is hilarious as rogue spy Rick Ford.  It was amusing to see him play a comedic role unlike anything he has ever done before.  Spy is a good movie, but I can’t help feeling that it is a movie that will be quite forgettable down the line.
